5-4-17 wasting disease

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Democratic lawmakers have introduced a bill that would impose new regulations on deer farms in hopes of slowing chronic wasting disease.  Under the bill from Reps. Dana Wachs and Nick Milroy, all deer farms would have to install electronic monitoring systems indicating when gates are open; non-whitetail deer farms would have to be fenced; fences would have to be inspected every two years; and all deer farms with CWD would have to double-fence or install electric fencing.  The bill has little chance of passing given that Republicans control the state Assembly.  A Department of Natural Resources advisory committee has suggested the agency require double- or electric fencing on CWD-positive farms in a new long-term CWD plan. Deer farmers have resisted tighter regulations and say double fencing is too expensive.

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