3-28-16 johnson says u.s. needs to do more to prevent terrorist attacks

Republican U.S. Senator Ron Johnson says the United States has to do more to prevent  future terrorist attacks.  Johnson says his first reaction when he heard about the Brussel’s terrorist attack was “not again.”  Johnson says the big mistake was made following the war in Iraq by not maintaining a strong presence there.  “That’s because we bugged out of Iraq.  After the enormous sacrifice of lives, limbs, and dollars, we had established a coalition, a fragile coalition, we were the glue that held that together,”  Johnson told AM 1170 WFDL’s Between the Lines program.  “But president Obama, his strategic, historic blunder, was not heeding a lesson in history leaving a stabilizing force behind.”   Johnson is being challenged by former Democratic senator Russ Feingold in the November election.

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